My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. - 2 Corinthians 12:9
We spend quite a bit of time walking in Lea and Pagets woods, at the top of Common Hill. At this time of year, the sun slants through the branches and the small budding leaves. All sorts of things are growing on the ground, too. Bluebells, orchids and some sort of white flower I don’t recognise. All very pretty, all full of life.
I’ve also walked a lot on Haugh Woods, and a great part of that wood is full of conifers. Packed together, the trees don’t let much light through. The floor is covered in pine needles, and all that grows is some brave moss. All very dark and dingy, not much life.
The great lesson that Paul learned, and then passed on the church in Corinth, is that it is our weakness is an opportunity for God to shine though. We might not be the best people, our understanding of God might be patchy, but God can make up what is lacking in us. “My power is made perfect in weakness”.